  • 8 Powerful Tips To Get Fast Sales On Fiverr

    1. What You Offer:

    What can you bring to the table that buyer want and will like to order is one of the important questions that needs to be answered and also the basic of a successful fiverr income source. If what you offer is not wanted by anyone then you gig won’t get orders from buyer just because they don’t want what you offer. So first know what the buyer want and try to learn them and use them.

     2. Be Professional:

     Before creating a gig it is normally good to know what you are offering very well so that you won’t be surprised when the buyers start throwing question and you and you will end up loosing the gig to someone else. Now been professional does not just end in questions but also in your appearance, normally people don’t  take this part important because before I order a gig  I look at the seller profile in case the seller looks weird. Try to have this professional look in your profile and also try to create good conversation with your client and sound professional when doing so.

    3. Other Gigs:

     Normally some people that uses fiverr don’t notice that the other gigs in your account also affect your sales, when you have a profile with 20 gig which is the limit of the amount of a fiverr account, so if those 20 gigs in your account does not fit each other it looks like someone just want to make money from all areas which does look attractive, for example you created a gig about designing of pictures and the other gigs look somehow then it does not attractive buyer to order the gig.

    4. Gig Title :

    This is a very important part of getting quick sales, if you miss this part then there is nothing for you, I say that for sure. Having an attractive title is very important. The title just makes the sellers eyes click on your gig, there are many ways to make your gig look attractive. For example this is a title of a normal gig “I will design banner for $5” and this is the attractive gig “I will design An Awesome and Beautiful banner for $5” now tell me which one will you order if you were the buyer? I know which one you will pick.

    5. Gig Descriptions

    The Gig description is very important and it not something you just play with because this is what helps the buyer understand what you are selling or offering. Normally I can just say I have a format for writing a good description but you can also do what I normally do to write a very good and attractive description. To write a good description go to the top sellers of what you are offering and look for what different between your own and the top sellers own.

    6. Upload A Video

    Fiverr officially made  it necessary to upload a video of yourself telling your client about what you offer, this is totally necessary if you want to get more sales as fiverr normal select Gig for the featured categories and for your gig to be selected you must have a video of each of your gigs, something to note is that the video must be different from other and it is good if you are in the video.

    7. Gig Picture:

    Fiverr users are fun of this which is copying another seller’s gig pix and using it thereby creating this kind of cloud of similarity which is not good especially for new seller because it will be well seen that you copied the picture from someone else. Been unique is the key and without this it will be hard to get quality sales.

    8. Always Give Bonus:

    Which human being those not like free things? Not me, what normally rocks now is giving out bonus to buyers and also get more orders in return, you can place this in your description alongside with your condition of getting the bonus as this will attract the buyer to your gig and you will get more sales because of this. It has worked for me and am sure it will work for you.


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